The {fr} package comes with an example frictionless
tabular-data-resource (tdr) named hamilton_poverty_2020
. On
disk, a tdr is composed of a folder containing a data CSV file (both
named based on the name
of the tdr) and a
file, which contains the
metadata descriptors:
fs::dir_tree(fs::path_package("fr", "hamilton_poverty_2020"), recurse = TRUE)
#> /tmp/RtmptKBhev/Rinstaee531d6d06/fr/hamilton_poverty_2020
#> ├── hamilton_poverty_2020.csv
#> └── tabular-data-resource.yaml
Read the hamilton_poverty_2020
tdr into R by specifying
the location of the tabular-data-resource file or to a folder
containing a tabular-data-resource.yaml
Print the returned fr_tdr
tabular-data-resource) object to view all of the table-specific metadata
descriptors and the underlying data:
#> hamilton_poverty_2020
#> - version: 0.0.1
#> - title: Hamilton County Poverty Rates in 2020
#> # A tibble: 226 × 3
#> census_tract_id_2020 year fraction_poverty
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 39061021508 2020 0.057
#> 2 39061021421 2020 0.031
#> 3 39061023300 2020 0.03
#> 4 39061002000 2020 0.098
#> 5 39061002500 2020 0.442
#> 6 39061007700 2020 0.603
#> 7 39061009902 2020 0.15
#> 8 39061010700 2020 0.15
#> 9 39061023902 2020 0.013
#> 10 39061022301 2020 0.247
#> # ℹ 216 more rows
Print the schema
property to view the table-specific
S7::prop(d_fr, "schema")
#> census_tract_id_2020
#> - type: string
#> - title: Census Tract Identifier
#> - description: refers to 2020 vintage census tracts identifiers
#> year
#> - type: integer
#> - title: Year
#> - description: The year of the 5-year ACS estimates (e.g., the 2019 ACS covers
#> 2015 - 2019)
#> fraction_poverty
#> - type: number
#> - title: Fraction of Households in Poverty
#> - description: Fraction of households with income below poverty level within
#> the past 12 months
objects can be used mostly anywhere that the
underlying data frame can be used because
usually is used to coerce objects into data frames and works with
lm(fraction_poverty ~ year, data = d_fr)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = fraction_poverty ~ year, data = d_fr)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) year
#> 0.1729 NA
Accessor functions ([
, [[
, $
work as they do with data frames and tibbles:
In some cases, fr_tdr
objects need to be disassociated
into data and metadata before the data is manipulated and the metadata
is rejoined:
d_fr |>
dplyr::mutate(high_poverty = fraction_poverty > median(fraction_poverty))
#> Error in `vec_data()`:
#> ! `x` must be a vector, not a <fr_tdr/data.frame/S7_object> object.
In this case, explicitly convert the fr_tdr
object to a
tibble by dropping the metadata attributes using as_tibble
, or
and then use
while specifying the original
object as a template to convert back to a
d_fr |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(high_poverty = fraction_poverty > median(fraction_poverty)) |>
as_fr_tdr(.template = d_fr)
#> hamilton_poverty_2020
#> - version: 0.0.1
#> - title: Hamilton County Poverty Rates in 2020
#> # A tibble: 226 × 4
#> census_tract_id_2020 year fraction_poverty high_poverty
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 39061021508 2020 0.057 FALSE
#> 2 39061021421 2020 0.031 FALSE
#> 3 39061023300 2020 0.03 FALSE
#> 4 39061002000 2020 0.098 FALSE
#> 5 39061002500 2020 0.442 TRUE
#> 6 39061007700 2020 0.603 TRUE
#> 7 39061009902 2020 0.15 TRUE
#> 8 39061010700 2020 0.15 TRUE
#> 9 39061023902 2020 0.013 FALSE
#> 10 39061022301 2020 0.247 TRUE
#> # ℹ 216 more rows
Shortcuts are provided for some functions from {dplyr} (see
for a full list).
d_fr |>
fr_mutate(high_poverty = fraction_poverty > median(fraction_poverty)) |>
fr_select(-year) |>
#> hamilton_poverty_2020
#> - version: 0.0.1
#> - title: Hamilton County Poverty Rates in 2020
#> # A tibble: 226 × 3
#> census_tract_id_2020 fraction_poverty high_poverty
#> <chr> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 39061008502 0.754 TRUE
#> 2 39061026300 0.734 TRUE
#> 3 39061026900 0.69 TRUE
#> 4 39061007700 0.603 TRUE
#> 5 39061022700 0.599 TRUE
#> 6 39061003000 0.592 TRUE
#> 7 39061002901 0.576 TRUE
#> 8 39061006600 0.561 TRUE
#> 9 39061008000 0.556 TRUE
#> 10 39061009300 0.54 TRUE
#> # ℹ 216 more rows
More complicated dplyr functions (e.g., group_by()
friends) as well as functions from other packages that do not coerce
their inputs to data.frame objects will need to use the pattern above.
Below is a simple example for dplyr::left_join()
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
d_fr <- update_field(d_fr, "fraction_poverty", description = "the poverty fraction")
d_extant <-
d_fr |>
fr_mutate(score = 1 + fraction_poverty) |>
fr_select(-fraction_poverty, -year) |>
d_fr_new <-
by = join_by(census_tract_id_2020 == census_tract_id_2020)
) |>
as_fr_tdr(.template = d_fr) |>
update_field("score", description = "the score")
#> hamilton_poverty_2020
#> - version: 0.0.1
#> - title: Hamilton County Poverty Rates in 2020
#> # A tibble: 226 × 4
#> census_tract_id_2020 year fraction_poverty score
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 39061021508 2020 0.057 1.06
#> 2 39061021421 2020 0.031 1.03
#> 3 39061023300 2020 0.03 1.03
#> 4 39061002000 2020 0.098 1.10
#> 5 39061002500 2020 0.442 1.44
#> 6 39061007700 2020 0.603 1.60
#> 7 39061009902 2020 0.15 1.15
#> 8 39061010700 2020 0.15 1.15
#> 9 39061023902 2020 0.013 1.01
#> 10 39061022301 2020 0.247 1.25
#> # ℹ 216 more rows
S7::prop(d_fr_new, "schema")
#> census_tract_id_2020
#> - type: string
#> - title: Census Tract Identifier
#> - description: refers to 2020 vintage census tracts identifiers
#> year
#> - type: integer
#> - title: Year
#> - description: The year of the 5-year ACS estimates (e.g., the 2019 ACS covers
#> 2015 - 2019)
#> fraction_poverty
#> - type: number
#> - title: Fraction of Households in Poverty
#> - description: the poverty fraction
#> score
#> - type: number
#> - description: the score