Package 'mappp'

Title: Map in Parallel with Progress
Description: Provides one function, which is a wrapper around purrr::map() with some extras on top, including parallel computation, progress bars, error handling, and result caching.
Authors: Cole Brokamp [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Cole Brokamp <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-07 02:40:34 UTC

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map in parallel with progress


This function is a wrapper around purrr::map() (which applies a function to each element of a list or atomic vector) with some extras on top, including parallel computation, progress bar, error handling, and result caching.


  parallel = FALSE,
  cache = FALSE,
  cache_name = "cache",
  error_capture = TRUE,
  error_quiet = TRUE,
  num_cores = NULL



list or vector of objects to apply over


function to apply; allows for compact anonymous functions (see rlang::as_function() for details)


logical; use parallel processing?


defaults to FALSE, which means no cache used. If TRUE, cache the results locally in a folder named according to cache_name using the memoise package


a character string to use a custom cache folder name (e.g. "my_cache"); defaults to "cache"


apply function to all elements and return those that error as NA ; this also messages user with name/index of offending element and resulting error message


quiet individual error messages when capturing error messages? or show them as they occur?


the number of cores used for parallel processing. Can be specified as an integer, or it will guess the number of cores available with parallelly::availableCores(). won't have an effect if parallel is FALSE


mappp is designed for long computations and as such it always uses a progress bar, and always returns a list. Long computations shouldn't worry about being type strict; instead, extract results in the right type from the results list.

A progress bar will be shown in the terminal using an interactive R session or in an .Rout file, if using R CMD BATCH and submitting R scripts for non-interactive completion. Although R Studio supports the progress bar for single process workers, it has a problem showing the progress bar if using parallel processing (see the discussion at In this specific case (R Studio + parallel processing), text updates will be printed to the file '.progress'. Use a shell and 'tail -f .progress' to see the updates.


a list the same length as .x


X <- list("x" = 100, "y" = "a", "z" = 200)
slow_log <- function(.x) {
# by default returns NA on error
mappp(X, slow_log)
# when not using error, entire calculation will fail
# mappp(X, slow_log, error_capture = FALSE)
# showing error messages when they occur rather than afterwards can be useful
# but will cause problems with progress bar displays
mappp(X, slow_log, error_quiet = FALSE)